Sharing Our Stories

We’re pleased to share stories of daily life at The Maplewood, as well as some of the philosophy and knowledge that helps make The Maplewood distinctly different.

How to Plan for Long Term Care

How to Plan for Long-Term Care

Have you planned for long-term care yet? Are you familiar with the process and the types of care options available? These are the questions many people face when considering long-term care options for their loved ones. No one ever knows if long-term care is needed for a family member, but an unexpected accident, illness, or injury can suddenly change things. It typically happens naturally as people get older and more

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Telemedicine Post #3: Telemedicine and Your Loved One

Nursing homes have doubled down on their safety procedures. Every surface is cleaned more often. Every member of the staff is tested and checked for infections. Visitors, unfortunately, are not allowed in the building. With all those precautions, there was one remaining flaw in the defense plan: what if a doctor showed up to care for a resident and had COVID-19 without knowing it? Doctors are at increased risk of

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Telemedicine Part 2: Providing Safer Patient Care

As I shared in the first post in this series, telemedicine has been around for a while but is suddenly in the spotlight now. It is the perfect solution for situations where someone needs medical care but doesn’t require an in-person meeting—it gives doctors a risk-free way to speak with their patients. Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals are doing all they can to maintain social distancing. This has made

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Telemedicine Series Part 1: What is Telemedicine?

If you’re watching the news these days—and who isn’t—you’re hearing a lot about telemedicine. It’s become a popular term, but for most people it’s not clear what exactly telemedicine, and its companion telehealth, actually are. In this three-part series, I’ll explain what telemedicine is, how it’s being used right now, and how it fits into life here at Maplewood. Telemedicine and telehealth both sound complicated, but they describe a simple

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Medicare Waiver Streamlines Path to Rehabilitation Care

Does your loved one require a nursing home stay for rehabilitation? They may qualify for a special waiver, allowing them to avoid a hospital stay first. Medicare typically requires a three-day inpatient hospital stay before covering the costs of rehabilitation at a skilled nursing facility (SNF). For example, if your spouse needed rehab after being seen in a hospital emergency room, he/she would be required to stay in the hospital for at least

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Greg Chambery

Thoughts from Greg Chambery

My in-laws celebrated their wedding anniversary last week. They have been together more than 60 years. I have not seen them for more than a month. They are seniors and I figured it just was not worth the risk. My wife, Sue, and I decided that we needed to go to their house on this occasion and carefully hang out with them for a little while. Like many, we have

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Maplewood Achieves Pinnacle Customer Experience Award

Throughout 2019, Pinnacle Quality Insight, a nationally recognized customer satisfaction firm, interviewed The Maplewood’s customers and family members regarding their experiences and satisfaction levels with several aspects of services received. Based on the results of these interviews, Pinnacle has determined that The Maplewood has qualified for a Pinnacle Customer Experience Award all of the 16 Skilled Nursing Service Areas. The categories include: Activities Admission Process Cleanliness Communication Dignity and Respect

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Maplewood Earns 5 Star CMS Rating

The Maplewood is pleased to announce that we’ve earned the achievement of the highest possible rating of Five Stars from The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS). “We are extremely proud of this achievement and thank all of our wonderful staff for their hard work and dedication in ensuring that our residents are receiving such high-quality care,” says Greg Chambery, Administrator. “This recognition supports the confidence placed in us by

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Maplewood Donates Holiday Bazaar Proceeds to Lap Robes for Veterans

Our Annual Holiday Bazaar took place on November 21st and 22nd. This event is very dear to our hearts – it was started over 15 years ago by a group of residents who wanted to give back to their community. It’s a wonderful event where Maplewood residents, families, friends, staff, volunteers and neighbors come together for some holiday shopping while raising money for a selected charity. Planning typically begins about

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J.W. Hallauer & Sons factory

J.W. Hallauer & Sons: The Lakeshore Belt’s Dried Fruit Empire

The following is the sixth in a seven-part series. We hope you’ll enjoy. Only a few places in America have the combination of cold winters, temperate summers, year-round humidity, and nutrient-rich soils that make New York’s north coast such a fertile environment. In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Webster became one of the nation’s largest producers of apples and other tree fruits, with bounteous harvests much in demand throughout

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