The Maplewood Handy Club was created to provide a new recreation offering to residents who enjoy working with tools. The club has really taken off and we now have several handymen and women who attend every week and work with volunteers to build activity boards.
Pictured here is one of our handy club volunteers showing Ivy her new busy board. As you can see in the photo, an activity board is exactly what it sounds like – it’s a board filled with all kinds of moving parts that are fun and interactive. There are miniature hinged doors that open and close, and lock and unlock. There are switches, zippers, spinners and more.
Once completed, the activity boards are donated. Several have been donated to the Occupational Therapy Department at The Maplewood and to young children from the Maplewood Community. Boards have also been donated to local organizations that serve people with disabilities, including Heritage Christian and Lapham Day Programs.
Lori Porte, Maplewood Volunteer Coordinator and Program Assistant, has spearheaded the group, recruiting volunteers to help and reaching out to invite interested residents to give it a try. Her inspiration for the club comes from her own history with an uncle, who was a carpenter, living in a nursing home. She and her husband would bring supplies every week and they would build things together. The experience was quite fulfilling for all of them and she is excited to bring this opportunity to The Maplewood.
Volunteers who are essential to the success of the program. Some come every week to assist residents with building and assembly. Some precut wooden parts. Others serve as supply captains, keeping supplies organized and locating materials during club meetings. The club is always happy to accept donations of small hinges, calculators, zippers, locks and bicycle bells.
Heartfelt thanks to our incredible force of handy volunteers for sharing their time and talent. In addition, thank you to the folks at the Lowes store in Webster, who recently donated a $200 gift card to support our handy club.